The main activity at Nançay is the development and application of new radio techniques to fundamental research in astrophysics and astronomy. A number of instruments are operated on behalf of researchers in France and worldwide to conduct scientific programmes of observation of the Universe, including the nearby Earth-Space environment, the study of the Sun and the solar system, and the study of distant stars and galaxies in the Universe.
Tabulated vector magnetic field vs. time in payload coordinates Data
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:28:59
Planetary Data System
Vector magnetic field data acquired by the Fluxgate Magnetometer
instrument aboard the MAVEN spacecraft. The data are calibrated and
provided in physical units (nT). The time resolution depends on the
telemetry rate available when the data were taken. The data are
expressed in Payload coordinates.
Tabulated vector magnetic field vs. time in planetocentric coordinates
Data Collection
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:26:33
Planetary Data System
Vector magnetic field data acquired by the Fluxgate Magnetometer
instrument aboard the MAVEN spacecraft. The data are calibrated and
provided in physical units (nT). The time resolution depends on the
telemetry rate available when the data were taken. The data are
expressed in Planetocentric coordinates.
Tabulated vector magnetic field vs. time in Sun-state coordinates Data
Short Name:
15 Dec 2022 19:29:47
Planetary Data System
Vector magnetic field data acquired by the Fluxgate Magnetometer
instrument aboard the MAVEN spacecraft. The data are calibrated and
provided in physical units (nT). The time resolution depends on the
telemetry rate available when the data were taken. The data are
expressed in Planetocentric coordinates.
Within this use case you learn about the constellations of the
Zodiac, i.e. those crossed by the apparent path of the Sun during the
year. Together with some characteristics the orbital motion of the
Earth, in this use case you also find a short excursion into history
of astronomy. The use case also introduces the precession of the