This tutorial shows how to use the CDS tools to gather information on
specific astronomical objects. The tutorial covers the search for
information on NGC 4039 in the CDS Portal, the search for data on NGC
4039 in Aladin, and the omparison of the coverages of Sky Surveys and
select interacting galaxies that have SDSS and GALEX data.
A service for easy access to VOResource information by IVOID
(“resolve IVOA identifiers”) – simply append the IVOID to the base URL
of this service. There is actually a shortcut for this service on the
mein GAVO server: Just prepend to an IVOID to
get its VOResource rendered.
This is a course on the Virtual Observatory's main query language
ADQL (short for Astronomical Data Query Language), which is a SQL
dialect standardised so users do not have to learn new languages each
time they want to use a new resource. We also introduce the basic
aspects of the Table Access Protocol TAP, which transports ADQL
queries, their results as well as the metadata necessary to write
meaningful queries.
The course comes with many exercises, most of which also have
solutions. We hope it is suitable for both self-study and as lecture
notes in teacher-led situations.
This is a course on pyVO, an astropy-affiliated Python library
implementing client parts for many protocols in the Virtual
Observatory: Simple discovery protocols like SCS, SIAP, and SSAP as
well as the sophisticated Table Access Protocol TAP, which allows
users to send complex queries to remote tables and retrieve
metadata-rich results. There is also an interface to the VO Registry
to enable data and service discovery.
The course comes with many exercises, most of which also have
solutions. We hope it is suitable for both self-study and as lecture
notes in teacher-led situations.
In this tutorial you will learn about asteroids, a very interesting
and current topic in our exploration of the Solar System and of
planetary formation. You will learn about their orbital
characteristics by querying a database.
Intermediate computer skills are recommended, as the tutorial requires
the (guided) query of online electronic databases and use of
The VO client Aladin offers powerful facilities of creating an
astrometrical calibration to images lacking WCS (World Coordinate
System) information. This tutorial shows how to go about doing this
for an image of the Ring Nebula in Lyr.
A form to search the VAMDC species list published on the TAP service
at Enter parts of species names or chemical
formulae here and get back matching names, inchis and inchikeys.
CDPP - Centre de Données de la Physique des Plasmas
The CDPP EPN-TAP server's TAP end point. The Table Access
Protocol (TAP) lets you execute queries against our database tables,
inspect various metadata, and upload your own data. It is thus the
VO's premier way to access public data holdings.
Tables exposed through this endpoint include: epn_core from the amdadb schema, epn_core from the illu67p schema, columns, groups, key_columns, keys, schemas, tables from the tap_schema schema, epn_core from the transplanet schema.